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WV Supreme Court upholds successful verdict in favor of BCC’s client

On Nov. 10th the West Virginia Supreme Court issued a long-awaited decision upholding a favorable verdict for BCC’s client. By way of background, the lawsuit was filed by property owners who purchased a vacant, hollow property for $50,000. A contractor was permitted to use the property as a waste fill site in order to level off the area and make the land commercially developable. The property owners alleged that the waste and fill material did not meet the agreed upon specifications, suing BCC’s client, a WV-based engineering company, for over $1,000,000, claiming negligence in the performance of their testing and inspection services. After a three-day trial in August 2014, a unanimous jury found in favor of the engineering company. After a Motion for a New Trial was denied, the appeal to the WV Supreme Court followed. For more information, contact John Cromer at Burke Cromer Cremonese at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 412-904-3360.